Про автора

Я Червоний Євген, який є натхненником музейної справи. Блог, це один із інструментів поділитись власним досвідом та корисною інформаціюєю. 
Більше про мене можна почитати тут


  • Coordinator of exhibit projects

    Center of Urban hisotry
     – Present (6 months)
    All about exhibits
  • Member of the Board

    Museum Council under Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
     – Present (1 year 7 months)
  • Executive Director

    Charity Foundation "Shevchenkivsky Gai"
     –  (2 years 2 months)
    The purpose of the Foundation activities shall consist in accumulating funds and other material resources for supporting the Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life (hereinafter referred to as the LMFARL), promoting the development of the museum as an institution, preserving the museum’s collection, facilities and monuments of wooden architecture, providing the museum with necessary materials, attracting public attention to the issues of museology, creating the required conditions for the professional development and growth of the LMFARL’s employees, making the LMFARL popular among professional experts and the public, cooperating with similar local and foreign institutions.
    The Foundation’s spheres of activities shall be the following ones:
    1) Folk construction and architecture;
    2) Ethnography and folklore;
    3) Folklore culture;
    4) Folklore handicrafts;
    5) Folklore traditions, customs and ceremonies;
    6) Science and scientific research;
    7) Landscaping and softscaping on the territory of the museum;
    8) Ecology, environmental protection and protection of animals;
    9) Culture and art, protection of cultural heritage;
    10) Promotion of the implementation of state, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the social and cultural as well as economic situation in Ukraine;
    11) Development of international cooperation in Ukraine.
  • Deputy Director of Development

    Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life in Lviv
     –  (2 years 6 months)
    Promotion, fundrising, program developing
  • Assistance Professor

    Lviv Polytechnic National University
     –  (4 months)
    Class of Museum communication
  • Specialist of museum management

    State Museum of Natural History
     –  (5 months)
    Events management, audience development, internal communacation, exhibit development, etc.
  • Felowship

    Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History
     –  (9 months)
    Specimens preparation for exhibit team
  • Fulbright scholar

    George Washington University
     –  (10 months)
    Museum studies
  • Junior Research Scientist

    State Museum of Natural History
     –  (5 years 7 months)
    Museum studies, museum management, exhibition planing and design
  • PhD Student

    State Museum of Natural History Lviv
     –  (3 years 1 month)
    Pleictocene - Holocene birds of the Western Ukraine
  • Developer

    Studio of Exclusive Aquariums
     –  (2 years 11 months)
    Design and instalation of public and private aquariums.
    Work with clients
    Internet marketing


  • Cultural Manager

    European Culture Fundation
     – Present


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